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You're on the right path

Rejection is a hard pill to swallow for anyone. Everyone wants to be accepted in all forms of relationships from personal to business. But I want to encourage you today that rejection is part of the process. How is this possible you might ask. If we as believers really, believe Romans 8:28 when it says “ And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Then rejection is not as bad as we think.

When you are not offered that job…..You’re on the right path!

When that significant other gives you that engagement ring back….You’re on the right path!

When the bank does not give you that loan, that you can not afford anyway….You’re on the right path!

When you have a talent and they don’t see it now….You’re on the right path!

If you truly have placed your destiny and future into God’s hands He has already got it worked out. Acceptance will come when it is the right time, right place and for the right purpose. And when God is in it, nothing can remove it from you because it is based on a strong foundation of hope in Jesus Christ.

So take the no for today……as a yes for tomorrow. And trust God in what He is doing! Because “ It is for your good! “

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Psalm 32:8

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